What is the Makerspace?
The Medfield Public Library Makerspace is a collaborative space where community members of all ages can gather to use tools and materials to create useful and exciting things. Come visit and get creative!

Frequently Asked Questions about the Makerspace
Everyone can use the Makerspace, but patrons 15 years old and younger must be accompanied by an adult caregiver.
Don’t have an adult to bring with you? Our Teen Librarian, Erica, is currently providing adult supervision to kids aged 10 to 15 in the Makerspace on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 3:00-5:00 PM!
The Medfield Public Library Makerspace is located on the bottom floor and is open for patron use whenever the library is open.
It is free to use everything in the Makerspace. However, we ask that if you are going to use a lot of one material that you speak to us about making a donation, or that you consider bringing your own consumables (e.g. Cricut vinyl, photo paper) so that supplies remain available for others.
If you are looking for bulk printing services, we ask that you use a paid printing service instead. We do not have the volume of high quality cartridges required to support bulk printing.
Absolutely! As long as children under the age of 15 are supervised by an adult, they are more than welcome to visit. We have a huge range of supplies for younger patrons, including these fan favorites:
- Perler beads
- Shrinky dinks
- Craft thread
- Hook and latch loom
- Origami
- Rainbow scratch paper
- Digital microscope
- Fun foam
- Polymer clay
- Patterned paper and card stock
- A wide selection of general arts and crafts supplies
Where to start?? These are some of the supplies and activities frequently used by teens and adults:
- Jewelry making supplies
- Paper quilling
- Embroidery
- Knitting & crochet
- Punch needle embroidery
- Needle felting
- Button makers
- 3D Pens
- Sewing machine
- Book binding
- Detailed coloring books
- Collage materials
We also have some creatively aligned pieces of equipment and technology:
- Brand new Mac computer
- High resolution photo scanner
- Medium format printer
- Cricut Maker 3
- Variety of hand tools
- Label maker
- Long arm stapler
- Laminator
We have a CRICUT MAKER 3. Come into the Makerspace and use our computer to create your projects or design from home and stop by to bring your work to life! To design from home, open a Cricut Design account for free then log in from the Makerspace to cut your files. Just be sure to set your account for a Maker 3 so your designs are compatible with our machine.
Most of the funding for the Makerspace comes from the Friends of the Library. We also welcome donations!
We did, but after much consideration of new research on the exhaust created by 3D printers, we decided that our small, unventilated Makerspace was no longer a healthy place for 3D printing.
We donated our printer to the Medway Public Library Makerspace, where patrons may use the 3D printers after completing a training certification.
For questions or to set up a training session, please email our Head of Adult Services and Programming at Bri would be more than happy to help you!