Frequently Asked Questions
Have a question? We’ve compiled a list of commonly asked questions to help answer your inquiries! Can’t find your question below? Feel free to contact us directly.
With the Libby app, you can read and listen on a phone or tablet by downloading it via Google Play (Android v 5.0 or higher), Apple iPhones & iPads (iOS 10 or higher), or on an Amazon Fire Tablet (2020 or later). There is no app for laptops & desktop computers, but you can still access Libby at libbyapp.com!
Get Libby and sign in
- Find and download the Libby App in your device’s app store. On a laptop or desktop, navigate to Libby in your Internet browser.
- Search for and select Minuteman Library Network as your library.
- “Enter Library Account Details” (your library card number and password) and you’re good to go! Don’t know your password? Just call the library for assistance.
Navigating Libby
Search icon
- Find books by searching by title, author or keyword
- Tap on a book cover to learn more, and tap Borrow to check out a title. If a title is unavailable you can always Place a Hold.
- Use filters to limit your search results by format, audience, subject, etc.
Library icon
- Browse library collections and lists
Menu icon
- Add and manage your library cards
- View and manage notifications
- Get help using the app
Shelf icon
- View all your loans, holds, timelines, and notices
- Tap Manage Loan to renew, return loans, and view details like due date
Tags icon
- Create tags and use them to keep books you have interacted with organized
- Use tags to create a wishlist
- Can I use Libby on a Kindle? Yes! Use Libby to send an ebook to your Kindle e-reader or Kindle App through your Amazon account. For details, see the “Kindle Books” section at help.libbyapp.com.
- Do I need an Internet connection? Only to browse the Library and to download items on your Shelf. You can read & listen to downloaded loans offline.
- What happens if a title expires? The titles will automatically return themselves. No action is needed on your part.
- Can I renew a book? Yes! If there are no holds on the title, you can renew two days before it is due. Simply tap on the cover for your details, and tap Renew Loan, then Renew! If you are placed back on a waiting list, the app will remember your place in the book, so you can resume reading once the title is checked out again.
- Can I return an item early? Yes! Tap the cover, then Return Title to Library, and confirm by tapping Return. Returning items helps reduce wait times by getting titles to the next person in line sooner.
Did you know that you can access the Libby collections of six partner library networks in Massachusetts?
To explore Libby beyond the Minuteman Library Network:
- Under the Libby app menu (three horizontal lines) tap “Add Library”
- Search for a partner network (see list below), and tap the matching result
- Tap “Sign in with my card”
- Under “Partner Libraries”, tap “Minuteman Library Patrons”
- Type in your Minuteman library card number and password when prompted, then tap “Sign in”
- Your partner library card should appear. Tap “Next” to begin browsing!
When browsing with access to multiple library cards, you can tap the library card icon next to the title you’d like to borrow, toggle between different library cards, and compare wait times.
MA Partner Library Networks include:
- Boston Public Library
- CLAMS (Cape Libraries Automated Materials Sharing)
- CW MARS (Central and Western Massachusetts Automated Resource Sharing)
- Merrimack Valley Library Consortium
- NOBLE (North of Boston Library Exchange)
- Old Colony Library Network
Any resident of Massachusetts is welcome to get a library card. Additionally, non-residents who work, own property, or attend school in Massachusetts, or are temporarily living in Massachusetts for more than 2 months, are qualified to apply for a library card. For more information on requirements, visit our “Apply for a Library Card” page.
You can also apply for an eCard online here, or fill out an application for a physical library card in person. An eCard grants you access to digital borrowing only. For full borrowing privileges, you must come in-person to a library with an ID to complete registration for a physical library card.
If you already have a Minuteman Library Network eCard but want to get a physical card, just visit our Circulation desk to register for a physical card with an ID. We will issue you a new card that will replace your eCard credentials. Note: the physical card will have a new number, so if you have used Libby or other digital services with your eCard, you will need to update your login info.
All Medfield Library materials circulate for three weeks (21 days) and may be renewed up to 5 times, with the exception of (1) items that other patrons have on hold, and (2) items marked with a green “Quick Pick” label . Materials marked with a green “Quick Pick” label and starting with “QUICK PICK” in the call number have a shortened loan period of one week and cannot be renewed. For more information, ask a librarian.
Yes! In fact, with the exception of (1) library items that other patrons have on hold, and (2) “Quick Pick” items (designated with a green spine label and “QUICK PICK” in the call number), physical library materials will be automatically renewed up to five times.
Library materials do not accrue late fees. However, if an item has been lost or damaged, please speak directly to a librarian about billing for replacement.
Massachusetts General Law (Ch. 78, Sec. 7) states that circulation records of library materials are confidential. If you wish to grant another patron access to your account, visit the circulation desk to fill out a Shared Accounts form. (Permission may be terminated at any time).
Only if your family member has filled out a Shared Accounts form and granted you permission to do so. If your family member has not done this but they wish to grant you or another patron this access, they can visit the circulation desk to fill out the form. They may still revoke permission at any time.
The following may be used to verify your ability to pick up a hold on your family member’s behalf:
- Your name listed on their account, granting access to pick up holds
- The physical library card associated with the hold
- A photo of the library card associated with the hold
- The email notification confirming that the hold is ready for pickup
These verification methods do not allow you to check out any other items on your family member’s account – only the item(s) that your family member requested.
You can manage your library account online by visiting our catalog here and clicking “SIGN IN” in the top right corner.
A PIN is required to access your account online. If you are already a Libby user (for audiobooks and e-books), it is the same PIN you use to access your Libby account. If you cannot remember your PIN or you are not sure if you have created one, you can resolve this by clicking “Reset or Create New Password”, or by calling the library or visiting in person.
Online account access allows you to view checked out items (including digital items checked out via Libby), renew items, see when items are due, request items from other libraries, record your reading history, add items to customizable lists, and freeze requests while you’re away (under “Titles on hold”). For more information on using your online account, check out our Quick Start Guide.
Holds allow you to request that a title be set aside for you at your home library, or be delivered to your home library. You can place a hold online, in person, or over the phone. To place a hold online, log into your account (see directions above). Search the title in the search bar, then click “Place Hold” next to the format you wish to place on hold. If the title is available at Medfield, it will say “On Shelf” in green and the hold will likely be processed within the next 1-2 days.
If it says, “Checked Out” or “Available Elsewhere”, the title will be sent from whichever member library is able to fill your hold soonest. It usually takes up to a week to arrive if another library currently has the title in hand, though it may take longer in the case of bad weather or other unusual circumstances.
If no library currently has the title available, you will be placed on a hold list. Patron holds are filled in the order in which they were added to the list. Once the title arrives at the library you will receive a notification informing you that the title is ready for you. The library notice will include the dates for pickup.
We will keep the book available for pickup for one week. If you are unable to pick up the title within the allotted time, please call the library to request an extension.
Our pickup shelf is located to the left of our circulation desk when you enter the building. Holds are organized alphabetically by patron last name. You will still need to check out the book using your library card, either at a self checkout station or with a librarian.
The Minuteman Network is a group of 42 area libraries that share resources and open their collections to any Minuteman patron. Unless stated otherwise, library items can be returned to any Minuteman library.
Minuteman Libraries:
- Acton
- Arlington
- Ashland
- Bedford
- Brookline
- Cambridge
- Concord
- Dedham
- Dover
- Framingham
- Franklin
- Holliston
- Lexington
- Lincoln
- Maynard
- Medfield
- Medford
- Medway
- Millis
- Natick
- Needham
- Newton
- Norwood
- Sherborn
- Somerville
- Stow
- Sudbury
- Waltham
- Watertown
- Wayland
- Wellesley
- Weston
- Westwood
- Winchester
- Woburn
- Dean College
- Framingham State
- Lasell College
- MassBay
- Mount Ida College
- Pine Manor College
- Regis College
Every Massachusetts resident can sign up for a Boston Public Library card! Gain instant access to thousands of eBooks, movies, audio files, magazines and more by signing up for one online.
For more information about eligibility and available online resources visit the BPL website.
You can renew your card online or visit the library in person.
Our online renewal tool allows valid patrons to renew their library card or update their account information online. Once you have filled out a form, the tool will verify and renew your account for you. Library account renewals are for 5 years and there is no limit on how often you can renew your card.
After logging into your online account (see above for instructions), you can renew your card at any time. If your card has already expired or if it is within 30 days of expiration, a “Renew your card” button will be visible on your account screen.
At any other point, there will be a renew option in the dropdown menu in the upper right corner of the catalog page.
The e-renew link will also be in the expiration reminder email that you receive 30 days before your library card expires.
We love hearing suggestions about what you’d like to read, watch or listen to! Let us know any items you’re interested in having us purchase here.
Yes! Notary services are conducted at the library Tuesday-Saturday. However, please call ahead to ensure that our notary will be available and onsite at the time you plan to visit. Please note that we are unable to process any notary requests related to real estate.
Yes! The library has a fax machine, which is free to use.
- You can book a room up to three months in advance
- The maximum booking length is three hours. If you need more time, please speak with a librarian to check for availability
- Walk-in bookings are unlimited, pending availability
- During weekdays from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM, we do not restrict the number of reservations
- During weekdays from 3:00 PM to close AND during weekends from open to close, you are limited to one reservation per calendar month
- Check-in is required, with a library card, license, or student ID
Please view our full Facility Use Policy for more details. Photos of our private rooms can be viewed here.
Food and covered drinks are allowed in the library. Only covered drinks are allowed at our public computers; food is not.
Yes! If you have more than a few items, please call ahead to confirm that we have space in our donations drop-off closet. We accept like-new and gently used books, as well as functioning DVDs, video games, and CDs. Please do not donate VHS tapes, textbooks, encyclopedias, or damaged items.
When you arrive, let a librarian at the front desk know you have donations. If you just have a few items, we will accept them at the desk. If you have a box, we will unlock our donations closet outside. Please do not leave items outside of the closet while the library is closed, nor in the library return bins or outside the book donation bin in the back lot (this bin is not for public use).
Once sorted, donated items will be added to our Friends Bookstore. All proceeds go toward library programs for the community!
Have magazines, games, or puzzles? Donated magazines can be added to our “Magazine Swap” shelf, and puzzles and games to our “Free Games” shelf. Both shelves are located at the entrance to the library.
Are you a presenter or do you want the MPL to host a particular program? Please feel free to make your suggestions! If we think that the program is one that would benefit the Medfield community, we will be happy to speak with you. Click HERE to make a suggestion.
To learn about upcoming programs, sign up for our monthly newsletters on our homepage!